I write about life and love as a woman who loves philosophy, humanism and long conversations. I’m certain I couldn’t do life without talking my heart out. I want this blog to feel like you’re talking to me when you want to or when you too feel like you need to talk to someone. The Weeknd said his songs are supposed to meet you in a dark place and be with you as you walk out, I want my blog to do the same. But with extra sunlight and loving energy.

  • Books I read recently

    As a writer, I get to spend a lot of my time reading. Here are four books that brought me a lot of value lately. Caroline Dooner The Fuck It Diet I’d like to recommend this book to anyone going through an eating disorder or having a hard time with their body image or a strained… Read more

  • Let the day go

    It’s the end of the day and even though I had a good day, my thoughts are racing. I’m worried. I’m stressed. And I don’t know how to exit this spiral before it keeps me up again. But here’s something I’ll try. What if I pause and mentally move everything that worries me to tomorrow.… Read more

  • Do we wait for love?

    We live in the era of dating apps and other forms of pre-planned encounters. Love is interpreted as rational and as a match of similar interests that can be understood by an algorithm. Dating apps are a billion dollar industry and if you create the right one, you might be on the next Forbes list.… Read more

  • Healthy Habits Don’t Feel Right To Me.

    “So in the majority of other things, we address circumstances not in accordance with the right assumptions, but mostly by following wretched habit. Since all that I’ve said is the case, the person in training must seek to rise above, so as to stop seeking out pleasure and steering away from pain; to stop clinging… Read more

  • Danielle Steel’s Worthy Opponents: Can you have it all?

    I finished reading Danielle Steel’s Worthy Opponents and it’s rare to have a book fit into your life as perfect as this one did now. I picked it up at a time when I was thinking a lot about what I want out of life. I had just gone through a breakup, and I was questioning what… Read more

  • In Our Solipsism Era

    Going through a turbulent part of my life, I learned that what people say isn’t always what they mean and how they appear is also not to be trusted. What really drove it home was a date where he told me throughout the time we were together that he’s having a great time, looked happy… Read more